Monday, August 11, 2008

On a lamp

When I originally thought of this project, I intended for it to only be about fleur-de-lis, but I expanded it into other areas like language, people, places etc... because initially I was having trouble finding them.

I've come to realize that there in fact are fleur-de-lis everywhere. I found this exterior lamp on the outside of Hart Chapel at Clarion University. It is covered in fleur-de-lis. I guess it goes to show it never hurts stop smelling the roses and look up for the fleur-de-lis. Maybe I'll find it in the cloud shapes someday! Wouldn't that be freaky!?

Monday, August 4, 2008


A man came into the shop where I work the other week. Although I couldn't help him with his questions much, he was very friendly. He had an awesome tattoo. I told him about this on-going project of mine, and I asked him if he wouldn't mind if I took a picture of his tat. He gladly agreed saying that he had actually stole the tat from Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The tat is of a tribal Fleur-de-lis and is located on the right arm of a guy named John from Brockway, Pennsylvania.